Tuesday, October 31, 2006

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Thursday, October 26, 2006

Defining and Avoiding Plagiarism
>>>by Betsy Garman

Defining Plagiarism
Plagiarism can be defined as two actions: the attribution of someone else’s words or ideas as one’s own or the failure to attribute words or ideas to their appropriate source.1 Students and professionals alike must strive to prevent plagiarism. The code of ethics in the majority of academic fields is perfectly clear that plagiarism is unacceptable and is often followed by harsh repercussions.2 This article suggests some ways in which plagiarism can be avoided.

The Myths of Plagiarism
Plagiarism is not a matter of counting words. Changing a word or two within a sentence and then failing to attribute it to your source is still plagiarism. Choose a particular word within the sentence that describes the reason that the concept is worth using and look it up in the dictionary and the thesaurus. Its definition and synonyms will inspire you realize why this particular word or phrase describes this concept so well and will help you to refine your thoughts on the subject.

Within research common knowledge and its application often arises. Common knowledge is the concept that if something appears in a very large number of sources that it does not need to be attributed to any one source. For example, if you were writing a book chapter about honesty and you mentioned the story of George Washington and the cherry tree, depending upon the detail and the circumstances, you would not need to attribute this mention to any particular source.3 In general, I think that it is better to attribute something to a source then to leave the source out and end up with an error of omission.

General Suggestions to Avoid and Prevent Plagiarism
One simple way to avoid plagiarism is keep quotations surrounded by quotation marks. Those quotation marks are a reminder that the word, phrase, or sentence is not your own. In addition, a simple parenthetical note with the source name and year is another reminder to attribute the work in an appropriate fashion. The visual cues that the work belongs with or to someone else will keep you from forgetting which concepts and words are your own and which came from your sources.

Knowing how to cite your sources is another important aspect of preventing plagiarism. Whether you are including source information parenthetically or as a footnote, it is important to know what is required for the style and format within which you are working. If you do not own a style guide, consider buying one or photocopy the appropriate reference pages from your local library.

Within the grant writing field there is a practice that I call reverse attribution. Reverse attribution is writing a statement or phrase for your argument and then doing research to find a source that supports your statement. One particularly useful aspect of reverse attribution is there is less of an urge toward plagiarism since your argument is relatively developed upon location of a suitable source.

Another general practice that will make you a better writer is the ability to summarize material well. Whether you are summarizing an article in a couple of sentences or a whole book in one page, I suggest summarizing material as often as possible. I believe that this simple task will help you to refine your writing, recognize the important concepts within the material, and hone your ability to synthesize information without the desire to add a large number of quotations to your work.4

Plagiarism is a serious problem in the world in a wide variety of fields. Knowing the definition of plagiarism and the application of any of these suggestions will help you to avoid it. If you would like additional information about defining plagiarism, avoiding and preventing plagiarism, or actual cases of major cases or plagiarism, please consult one of the sources below.

Defining Plagiarism
Merriam Webster Online: Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary -- Plagiarize.
Hexham, Irving: Academic Plagiarism Defined.

Avoiding and Preventing Plagiarism
United States Naval Academy NIMITZ Library: Avoiding Plagiarism.
Purdue University Writing Center: Avoiding Plagiarism.

Actual Cases of Plagiarism in the Media
People’s Daily: New York Times Top Editors Resign Following Plagiarism Scandals. 6 June, 2003.
Kirkpatrick, David D: As Historian's Fame Grows, So Do Questions on Methods. New York Times. 11 January, 2002.
Wikipedia: Jayson Blair.

Your words. Our expertise. Your success.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Question: What can I expect from my college or university writing center? Is it really going to help me, or is it just a waste of time?

Your school's writing center is a valuable (and free!) resource to help you get started or get back on track with a writing assignment. In addition to a library of guides and how-to's on writing for an academic audience, one-on-one tutoring, free critiques, and detailed feedback are part of the typical writing-center fare.

Check out these great websites to get more information on how to get the most out of your writing center:
Colorado State University Writing Center
University of Kansas Writing Guides
Brown University Writing Center

Submit your questions and article suggestions to kristen@kristenkingfreelancing.com, and don't forget to check back often for regular updates!

Happy writing,

Your words. Our expertise. Your success.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Coming up soon: A great article from our own Betsy Garman with tips on how to avoid unwitting self-sabotage while you work on your next project. As professional editors, we work with a lot of clients who make things harder on themselves than they need to be, and that's not good for anyone.

Take a look at last week's article on increasing your chances of acceptance when submitting to a scholarly journal, and pay a visit to your institution's writing center as you get ready to start your next project, and check back in the next week for some more great ideas on taking the stress out of the writing process.

Your words. Our expertise. Your success.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

5 Tips for Preparing and Submitting Your Scholarly Journal Article: Easy Ways to Increase Your Chances of Acceptance
>> by Kristen King

Successful submission to a scholarly publication starts before the writing begins. Here are 5 easy ways to get closer to acceptance from the first word.

1. Keep track of your source materials. As you start your notes for your article, keep track of every source you refer to or cite—and make sure that you cite every source you use. If it looks like you’re using information gathered by others and you don’t cite it, the validity of your own research may be questioned. Back up everything.

2. Use an outline. Particularly in the case of original research articles, which typically follow a set structure, outlining is a critical part of ensuring that all of your information is presented clearly, accurately, and in a logical order.

3. Wait until after writing is complete to prepare tables and figures. The purpose of artwork is to support and supplement the content of your article, not to repeat it. Be sure to finalize or at least firm up your article before planning supplementary materials so you can avoid duplicating efforts.

4. Find and apply the submission guidelines for your target journal. Most journals include instructions for contributors either in print or online. Find the guidelines and use them in preparing your manuscript. Adhere to structure and word count, number and type of figures and tables, and format of references.

5. Proofread your article before submitting it. This may seem obvious, but many manuscripts contain serious spelling and grammar errors that could easily have been avoided if the author(s) had run spell check and had a fresh set of eyes review the article.

Thorough research and solid content are definitely the basis for a successful submission, but clear writing and careful preparation can mean the difference between a good article and a great article -- and the best journals accept only the best articles.

Your words. Our expertise. Your success.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Research Paper FAQs

Where should I start?

Start organized. Have your notes and as many resources as possible nearby. Have a brief outline of your argument, choose one section, and write as much as possible on that particular topic. Slowly you will development your argument. You can refine and edit as well as add additional sources once you have started working. I recommend writing your introduction very last because your argument will be finished and it will make summarizing your work much easier.

What should I do if I have writer’s block or I’m not sure what I want to say?

Start writing. The work that you will do as you write and think will pay off and although you may not be able to use the first page or two that you write on this particular topic, they will help you to determine your focus and the points that you want to make.

What should I do if I am having a hard time finding the “right” word?

If you are in a good writing rhythm, do not let this lack of word stop you from continuing to write. Put a placeholder in the sentence that will draw your attention back to the word when you have finished writing or when you are ready to take a break. I usually use the word blank in all capital letters. When you are ready to word on your replacement for your placeholder, think of a word as close as possible to the right word as possible. A term or phrase that describes your thought. Look this word up in the dictionary, on the internet, and in the thesaurus. These resources should help you to find your word. In addition, talk to a someone else and describe the context of the word. Sometimes a simple conversation will stimulate your brain.

Do you have another question you'd like the EfE team to answer? Send an e-mail to kristen@kristenkingfreelancing.com, and look for the answer to your question soon!

Your words. Our expertise. Your success.